Cambridge soundworks radio
Cambridge soundworks radio

cambridge soundworks radio

Radio Data Service (RDS) FM station textĪn automatic dimmer function reduces display brightness in dark rooms while maintaining good legibility in bright light.The SoundWorks Radio CD 740 displays three types of supplementary text: The large 32-character display and full-func- tion remote makes radio operation easy from across the room. An integral, slot-load disc player plays audio CDs and MP3 files on CD-ROM. It stores 16 FM station presets along with 8 AM station presets. Your new radio has great FM stereo sound and plays useful AM band stations. The people at Cambridge SoundWorks hope you enjoy your new high-performance SoundWorks Radio CD 740. Tracks at the top level of the disc are numbered first followed by the tracks in the first folder, then the second folder and so on. All MP3 files on a disc are represented by a number that corresponds to the play sequence of the disc’s MP3 files in Play All mode. A simplified scheme for track selection a CD-ROM is supported. During an Alarm Activation session, a specific MP3 file for wakeup is selected from the faceplate Track/Tune buttons.

cambridge soundworks radio

To wake to a specific MP3 file on a CD-ROM: The SoundWorks Radio CD 740 also lets you select an MP3 file (or track) on a CD-ROM for wakeup using the Track/Tune button. During alarm activation, the radio will start CD play from your selected track and continue playing the CD tracks in sequence. Then use the Track/Tune buttons on the Radio CD faceplate to select which track you would like to play. During the Alarm Adjustment session, first press the CD Play/Pause button to select Wake to CD. To wake to a specific audio CD track: Insert an audio CD into the radio and press Alarm 1 or Alarm 2 for two seconds to enter an Alarm Adjustment session. You can also elect to store FM stations with RDS text you do not wish to see in STATIC or NO TEXT mode. Storing a weak FM stereo station in MONO will insure cleaner reproduction under varying reception conditions. When the PRESET is tapped, the stored settings will override the JOG menu setting. When an FM frequency is stored on a PRESET, the current Stereo/Wide/Mono and RDS Text setting is also stored. Burn complete CD-ROMs for use with the SoundWorks Radio CD 740. Multi-session CD-ROM: The SoundWorks Radio CD 740 will recognize just the first session of a CDROM. Most CDROM burning programs support automatic numbering at the start of filenames when burning CD-ROMs. Be sure to number your MP3 filenames from the beginning of the filename.

cambridge soundworks radio

The SoundWorks Radio CD 740 recognizes the first 8 characters of an MP3 filename to determine play sequence. If the total number of MP3 files on the CD-ROM exceeds 295, the folder name display, folder play sequence and MP3 file play sequence will be unpredictable. Maximum number of individual MP3 files supported on a CD-ROMĢ95 files. TOP LEVEL is displayed if the file is not inside a folder. Pressing Preset 5 “FOLDER” during CDROM play will show the first 16 letters of the name of the folder containing the active MP3 track.

cambridge soundworks radio

Preset 5 “FOLDER” feature: The SoundWorks Radio CD 740 recognizes folders at the Top Level of a CD-ROM. Pressing the POWER button again resumes play at exactly the same location on the disc (audio CD or CD-ROM). The appliance shallnotbe exposed to drippng or splashing water and thatno object filled with liquid such as vases shallbe placed on the apparatus.ĬD Play and the POWER button: Pressing the POWER button during disc play causes the Radio CD to enter STANDBY track resume mode. 7) Do notblock any ventilation openings.Installin accordance with the m anufacturer’s instructions.Ĩ) Do notinstallnearany heatsources such as radiators,heatregisters,stoves,orother apparatus (including am plifiers)thatproduce heat.ĩ) Do notdefeatthe safety purpose ofthe polarized or grounding-type plug.A polarized plug has two blades with one widerthan the other.A grounding plug-type plug has two blades and a third grounding prong.The wide blade orthe third prong are provided for your safety.Ifthe provided plug does notfitinto your outlet,consultan electrician for replacem entofthe obsolete outlet.ġ0) Protectthe powercord from being walked on orpinched,particularlyatplugs,convenience receptacles,and the pointwhere they exitfrom the apparatus.ġ1) O nly use attachm ents/accessories specified by the m anufacturer.ġ2) Unplug this apparatus during lightning storm s orwhen unused forlong periods oftim e.ġ3) Referallservicing to qualified service personnel.Servicing isrequired when the apparatus has been dam aged in any way,such as when the power-supply cord orplug is dam aged, liquid has been spilled orobjects have fallen into the apparatus,the apparatus has been exposed to rain orm oisture,does notoperate norm ally,orhas been dropped.

Cambridge soundworks radio